Friday, July 16, 2010

New summer time tradition??? I hope not!

Well It's July, so apparently that means that a family that we like has to move away! :(
Our dear friends The Laudie's are moving to Kansas this weekend! Boooooo!!! They were only in Columbus for a year, but we really enjoyed getting to know them all better! The Mom, Tara, is the kind of friend we wish we all could be! She's crafty, funny, a great cook, and she has adorable kids! Our kids played together so well and that allowed us to have so much fun making something crafty!
I wish we would've had more time together,
but we are so glad we got to be friends with such an amazing family!
Good Luck In Kansas!!! We'll miss you!
The Kids on their last play date!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Oh, Cathie! You got me started in on the crying again! I miss you guys so much already - it's amazing to me how quickly some people become life long friends - you are the kind of friend I always want to keep. Thank you!