Friday, December 25, 2009

Our December to Remember

What do you say to a mother of three kids, who is the president of the PTA, is planning a Huge Holiday Bazzaar at her son's school, has a bachelorette party, turns 34, then gets married the next day and is having christmas a week later .....

You say hello Crazy lady have you taken your crazy pills today?!?!?

Obviously I did not take my crazy pills, because it has been a crazy month!!!

The Westgate Holiday bazaar

Was a huge success! We made over 2K for the PTA! Here are the kids in their new choir vests that the PTA just bought for them this year! Its was a fun night and ALOT of people came to enjoy the evening! Can't wait until next year when I'll feel like I have a clue as to what I'm doing!

My Bachelorette partyI have to say this was a pretty calm one! We had a great dinner at Brio at Easton and finished the night with a drink at a neighboring bar! I have 2 picutres from that night, this one is of my friend Amy.... it's particularly funny to have a picture of Amy at a bar because shes Prego and mormon! She made the comment that this is where ever pregnant morom girl should be... at a bar!!! But I love the evening! Thanks to everyone that made itMy 34th Birthday

The older I get, the less excited I am about turning another year older, but I have to say this one was pretty cool! I get to spend it with my little brother, My Dad and Connie, and even my sister came down. We ordered a pizza and played Wii with the kids. Leah actually kicked Justin's butt in Wii bowling! Mr & Mrs. Schmidt

So this one deserves it's own blog, and I'll get there, but here is a preview, I'll just say for now that the night was perfect. The kids looked adorable and I married my favorite person!!! The Jolly Fat man Rides again

Santa found his way to our house once again.... Lot's of wheels in the living room this year! Ethan got a "motorcycle" and rode around with his new helmet for most of the day!Alex also got a snazzy new bike! Leah also got some fabulous new things..... but darn it I'm tired just typing about it.... so you can imagine how pooped we are! It's PJ's week at our house! and I'm so thankful that the kids have another week off of school! Hope you had a great December too!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Remember our PUPPY???

Back in April we adopted a Black Lab Mix puppy from Pets Without Parents Animal Shelter. He was adorable and so little and although I knew he'd get bigger, I had no idea.....
This is a picture from the day we brought him home.

This is a picture I took of him last night.... and he wont be a year old until February....

The Vet thinks he's a Black Lab mixed with either a Great Dane or a Mastiff.....
uhhhh. we need a bigger house & a MUCH bigger Yard!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Our Girls Only week..... well and Ben too!

Leah & I decided that we had been away from our BFF's for TOO long and before we knew it we had two round trip tickets to Salt Lake City Utah. We packed our bags and left all the boys behind . Leah was so excited about her first plane trip, even if we did have to be up at 4am! (ugh!) but her she is with her boarding passWith a short lay over in Texas, we found our selves in Salt Lake City before TOO terribly, imagine a 4 year old stuck in a tiny seat for over 4 hours and the anticipation of seeing your best friend... She did great and as we were getting off the plane she SAID "come on People I gotta go see my Abbey now!" but she said it in such a sweet way that people actually laughed and stepped out of her way.... we were almost running to the baggage claim area and I know we both had big goofy grins on our face..... we came down the esculator, around the corner and finally.....
ABBEY............... AMELIA!!!!!! I"M HERE!!!!!!!!
Leah grabbed her stuff and said "lets go see your pink bedroom".

I have to say that Utah is Beautiful & we did so much stuff! Here's a picture of Ben & Danielle on one of our hikes. around Mt. Tipanogus. Yes those are Binoculars around Ben's neck... Yes...they were about 100 years old, weighed 25 lbs and really didnt work, but boy did he look cool!!! :) We ofcourse went to church on Sunday and I, having recently learned how to sew a bit, made the girls matching skirts to wear to church! They were so cute all matching and I posted this one because of Ben.....

He's taking the first of MANY pictures of 3 little girls lined up infront of their front door. While we were visitng they found out that they are expecting their 3rd little girl!
I see MANY matching skirts in this mans future!
Here's the REALLY cute on of all 3 girls!
We were there for an entire week and this is the ONLY picture I got of all the girls together! Someone pointed out last night at card club that they moved the end of July, they've been back here once already, we've been there once, and they are coming back in December for the wedding.... it probably does seem like a bit much, but when you lived at each others house for 4 years.... the time in between seems like forever!
We had such a great trip and loved being with the Gibbs again! Can't wait until they come in December, and then we'll have to go out and see the new baby when she arrives.... and then... I'll have to think of another excuse to bring them here again in the summer.... better make sure I've got a credit card that earns frequent flyer miles!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tali- Bean

I wanted to take a minute and pay tribute to a very cool dog! Tali - Bean

If you are lucky, you too have had a chance to experience the joys & heartaches of having a dog as part of your family. This little boxer, Tali Bean and her mommies, Julie & Laura live just two doors down from us. We've gotten to know them all really well and just really enjoy their company. Well about 2 weeks ago Tali got sick and they couldnt figure out what was wrong. Over the weekend they finally discovered that she has cancer. She's been in alot of pain and there isnt anything that they can do for her, so they had to have her put to sleep.

I'm sure for those of you who have lost a dog, can remember all to well how heartbreaking it is to loose your best friend. Dogs are such a constant source on unconditional love. you can tell them all your deepest darkest secrets, they are always happy to see you, they dont care what you look like, or how you smell they are just happy to be with you.
I'm sure Julie & Laura are SO incredibly sad tonight

So if you would, the next time you see a guy on a bike... bark at him... thats what Tali would have done.
And remember to tell the people and pets that you care about the most that you love them. infact go give them a hug right now!!!

There's one more Doggy Angel in heaven tonight.
And Tali if you could give my dogs Cocoa, Muffin, Sandy & Rojo a big slobbery kiss from me I'd appreciate it! :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First Day of School 2009

Alex with his friend Max. They've been in class with each other every year since KindergartenAlex's first day of 3rd grade
Ethan has decided "Hey, NOT FAIR" about Leah & Alex getting to go to school, so we decided that we would call the babysitting at the YMCA HIS CLASS. so on Leah's first day of Preschool he said "take My picture Momma" and how can you argue with this little face! Leah posing on the front porch a
it's a first day of every school year tradition

So now 3 morning a week it's just Ethan & I, and sometimes Daddy.... but we are amazed at how much he talks on those mornings! He's finally got our attention all to himself and there's no one talking over him or interupting him.
AND I think he likes it!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dinner with the Pope

I'm sure those of you familiar with the resturaunt Bucca de Peppo are familiar with the Pope room, well you can all prepare to be jealous because I got to eat dinner in there last weekend! I have to say this little statue is quite creepy! And I know as a former Catholic that its "bad" to say such a thing about something representing such a holy man in the church... but seriously he had beedy little eyes and was sitting on a lazy susan so he spun around like something from the excorcist!

But we did have a Momentous occasion to celbrate, my good Friend Ben graduated from OSU... and not just graduated... he recieved his .............................. so I can now call him Doctor Gibbs!

Here's Ben, His oldest brother Chad, and his Mom Marcia

Ofcourse this was all just an excuse for Ben & Danielle to fly across country so Danielle could see her favorite two ladies! This is the only time we have all been able to carry on an un-interupted conversation.

None of us had our kids that night!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The big Bad 4 year old.... Leah!

Our little princess turned 4 years old last week! We had a Pink party at the Zoo with Grandma Ann, PaPaw Bob, and Aunt Anna & her cosuin Francesca.... everyone wore a pink shirt, and I'm sure we were quite a sight! The highlight of her visit was getting her face painted... she sat so stillShe was just delighted with the end result!!! Her FAVORITE present was from her cousin Francesca, they bought her a barbie guitar, that has a head set/microphone.... her favorite song is Cindi Laupers... "Girls just wanna have Fun"

Theo would like me to remind Mark & Anna that Christmas is coming up and that pay-backs are hell! :)

We also took Leah & Ethan to magic mountain right around her birthday and they had a blast!

Leah got to ride/drive the go-carts with daddy! Theo said she SQUEALED then entire ride!

It's hard to believe that she's 4 years old and that she'll be starting Preschool next week!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy 60th Birthday Old Man!

We got to go back to Illinois for my Dad's 60th birthday last weekend! It was so good to see my Dad & the rest of the family! Connie, my Dad's wife, decided we needed to throw him a surprise party, so the kids job was to distract him as much as we could so she could get stuff prepared! Ethan decided he wanted to drive the "tractor" at Papaws house and so they had their first driving lesson with my Dad who I swear did not smile even once when he was teaching me to drive..... Ethan & Leah cruise around the yardSo After we were able to surpise him, my "little" brother Justin realized that it was the first time in a VERY long time that all his brothers & Sisters were in the same place at the same time... so we had to take pictures...
My Dad with all his Kids

My Dad's entire "family" with kids, daughter & son in laws and almost all the grandkids
My kids were ofcourse front & center when it was time to cut the cake!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My 4 favorite kids under 4!

Well it's official.... The Gibbs Family have left us! :(

Here are the kids at their last play date painting frames for each other!

How cute are these stinking kids I ask you?
And Then Leah & Abbey curled up together to read some books

They all piled on for one last group hug

And now they are on their way to Salt Lake City Utah!

We'll Miss you Friends!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Why I'll miss the Gibbs...

So I've been trying to figure out why I burst into tears thinking about the impending departure of the Gibbs Family! Literally just the mention of it makes my eyes fill up with tears... I'm starting to get a little embarrassed by this constant outpouring of emotions... I'm not one to "bottle" up my feelings as we all know... but this is a little extreme even for me!
First of all let me remind you on some of the history... Ben & Danielle moved in across the street back in 2005. I was pregnant with Leah, and Danielle was pregnant with Abbey... the first time we met, Danielle and I were both waddling down the street in opposite directions. We stopped and talked for just a few minutes. After I'd had Leah she brought down a little "gift".... She asked Theo if there was a lady that just had a baby living in this house..... Then a few months later as I was driving by their house I hollered out to Ben who was working in the yard and asked if they had their baby yet... he said that they had.... and later that night they dropped by to introduce their new baby. I still don't know why, but I took a picture of Leah & Abbey in their car seats sitting next to each other... looking back... they probably thought it was SO creepy.... they hardly knew me... I doubt even my first name and here I was taking a picture of their new baby.....
October 2005
Leah & Abbey

Looking back I'm so glad that I have this picture, its adorable and it also captures the beginning of our families becoming intertwined! It's more than we are neighbors or good friends.... we were mom's together.... and some people compare motherhood to going into war.... Danielle & I have been in the trenches together for 4 long.... but all too short years!
April 2007
with Ethan & Amelia

From the first teeth, to being snowed in, to 5 days with NO electricity, thru loosing grandparents, and being pregnant together, every birthday, holiday, or just a Tuesday afternoon....we talked each other down after a argument with our beau's , when our kids are driving us crazy, or an awkward encounter with one of west sides finest.... I really can't think of many memories from the last 4 years that doesn't have a Gibbs in it somewhere... I fear that when they are gone I'll just be wandering up and down Binns Blvd looking for my friends....

I've been blessed to have some WONDERFUL friends in my life, but there has never been ANYONE that just gets me the way Danielle does. Now this is kind of corny but their is a song from the movie Barbie and the Diamond castle, it's called two voices, I know it's Barbie.... but one day when Danielle was watching my kids, Leah was playing on the computer and was listening to that song and Danielle burst into tears... now every time I hear it I burst into tears....

It's so rare to find a friend like you

somehow when you're around the sky is always blue

The way we talk The things you say

The way you make it all o.k.

And how you know All of my jokes
But you laugh anyway

It somehow just fits.... so I guess now Danielle and I have "our song"

Now I know in my logical brain that just because they are moving doesn't mean that we wont still be friends, I have NO doubts that Danielle & I will still be friends, when our kids get married, when we become grandmas, even when we are using walkers and peeing in our depends.... it's just that things are going to change, and we wont be walking down to each others houses in our PJ's on Thursday mornings or talking to one another on the treadmill (Unless I start taking my cell phone to the YMCA) OR on nights that Theo is at the firehouse I can't invite myself to dinner or borrow a cup of milk from them at 9:30 at night...
See... I'm tearing up again..... And you know what... Danielle is such a good friend that she's even tried to set me up with NEW friends before she moves.... getting me involved with card clubs... and freezer meals.... she probably put up a flyer at church asking people

PLEASE.... try and be friends with this lady...
she is a mess and will fall apart completely without me
Thanks... Danielle Gibbs

So while I know them moving is a GREAT thing and it's a wonderful opportunity and that they will be close to family yadah yadah yadah..... it just plain stinks for me.... and I know that there are SO many people here in Columbus that love them and will miss them.... but you'll have to excuse me while I behave like a 2 year old and throw a fit because I love them more & I don't want them to MOVE!!! If I don't pull myself together I'm liable to throw myself down in front of their U-haul truck....

If I could wish for one thing
I'd take the smile that you bring
Wherever you go in this world
I'll come along

I love you guys SO MUCH!!! Thank you for being the best friends a gal could ever ask for!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

PB & Jazz

One great thing about living in Columbus is some of the great FREE events that they have during the summer.. like this past weekend The Columbus Library offered a free Jazz concert for kids called PB & Jazz. We brought a blanket & a picnic and spread ourselves out under a shaddy Oak tree and listened to some jazz... Here are the musicians...The concert was held at the topiary garden right behind the main library.. it's based on a famous painting by George Seurat’s A Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of La Grande Jatte... yeah I didnt know what it was either, but here is what the painting looks like... and then here in Danielle standing in it!
Danielle got the kids to sit still for one group picture....

Leah & Abbey were as cute as ever! They loved the lilly pads on the pond and went off to explore it together!
It was such a beautiful day and I'm so glad we got to enjoy it with Danielle, Abbey, & Amelia.... they will be moving soon.... so even though we've always enjoyed them, we are trying to get in as much as we can, before they move!!
We are going to have one sad little girl on Binns Blvd in August... Oh and Leah will miss them too! :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pictures at Penny's

I got the kids pictures taken over the weekend, I know I can't believe I pay someone else to take "professional" pictures, but until I get the studio, camera, and lighting..... I dont think they turned out to shabby!!! Except Alex kept doing the standard little boy I dont want to be doing this... in every group picture... But we finally got a real one in the one of just him!!!