Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy 60th Birthday Old Man!

We got to go back to Illinois for my Dad's 60th birthday last weekend! It was so good to see my Dad & the rest of the family! Connie, my Dad's wife, decided we needed to throw him a surprise party, so the kids job was to distract him as much as we could so she could get stuff prepared! Ethan decided he wanted to drive the "tractor" at Papaws house and so they had their first driving lesson with my Dad who I swear did not smile even once when he was teaching me to drive..... Ethan & Leah cruise around the yardSo After we were able to surpise him, my "little" brother Justin realized that it was the first time in a VERY long time that all his brothers & Sisters were in the same place at the same time... so we had to take pictures...
My Dad with all his Kids

My Dad's entire "family" with kids, daughter & son in laws and almost all the grandkids
My kids were ofcourse front & center when it was time to cut the cake!

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