Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Big Pair of Pants

Theo turned 36 years old on Sunday... He's officially in the next age box! I have to say his birthday this year was a bit more enjoyable than last (I'd just had my tonsils out). My Mom & Ken treated us to lunch out at the House of Japan.... a favorite in our house! The Kids love getting to watch them cook the food, and Ethan always chows down while they cook! While we were eating Ethan says "why are them peoples walking in and out of them big ripped up pants?"

Me "Uh I don't know what pants?"

To which he points toward the kitchen and the curtain draped across the entrance/exit to the kitchen.

It does look like a HUGE pair of pants! we will always remember is 36th birthday as the big ripped up pants birthday!
Happy Birthday to my Wonderful Husband and Best Friend in the world!!

I love ya babe!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Life on the edge

I got a book from the library today... A little 80 page 6x6 book.... it's called Life on the Edge parenting a Child with ADD/ADHD. I almost thought it was a funny.. tongue in cheek cartoonish book when I picked it up and thought I'd probably get a good laugh out of it. So tonight while I was waiting on the chicken in the oven I started to thumb through it.

You know those Epiphany kind of moments.... the one when things click... they make sense. When what you've been struggling with in your head and in your heart is finally just out there. When you feel like someone else FINALLY gets it..... Tonight was one of those nights! David Spohn gets it! I'll never talk to this man, I'll never know his kids, or his wife... and he'll never know me or my family... but OH MY GOD he gets it!!!

Everything I've ever felt or thought about Alex having ADHD is in this 80 page book. The torment, the worry, the pride, that love & joy, the fear for him, the concern for his brother and sister..... he just gets it!

If you have ever had a talk with me about Alex, ever seeing me struggling, heard me cry, or thought that I had no idea what I'm doing you need to read this book! Borrow it from the library, get it for a $1.97 from amazon.... just read this book so you'll know what I've been trying to tell you all along!!! :)

It's called Life on the Edge. Parenting a child with ADD/ADHD by David Spohn.

Here's a page from it...

Going out in public. Yes that's my kid so what?

Yes there is nothing quite like a loud public display of acting out by your child to make you feel completely incompetent and dysfunctional. If such displays weren't enough at home, they are even worse in a busy store. The turned heads & disapproving stares can add to the frustration you're already feeling. ADD kids don't have trained behavioral guide dogs, the don't have large ID bracelets that announce to the world that they have ADD that may include other psychological and/or learning problems. To the rest of the world they just look like spoiled, out of control kids and you of course look like a helpless ineffective parent.

Here is a suggestion in 2 parts. The first involves separating the child's behavior from your own. Who's acting out anyway? Chances are it's your child not you. Don't be embarrassed by behavior that isn't yours. Second, although people may pass judgement on you as a parent by what they see, who needs to impress such judgmental people anyway? Unless the behavior is truly causing someone harm, it's simply none of their business. they know NOTHING about what you're dealing with as a parent and you owe them NO explanation.

Ignore the stares as best you can and go about what you need to do. In no time no matter how shy or polite you are, you can perfect a disparaging glare that is strong enough to return a strangers attention to his or her own affairs. Doing and being what 's expected of you and keeping up appearances or normally can be a huge burden. This is especially true when life presents you with what you didn't expect and when normal is a concept that rarely applies to your life. Sometimes it's just best to free yourself and simply not give a damn about what other people think!
This way you can stay focused on what really matters and what really commands your attention: TEACHING your child, as best you can, how to behave in a social world.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Leah get her Ears A pierced!

After over a year of asking, we final broke down and took Leah to get her ears pierced! Although every time she says it it comes out "ears A pierced"

We warned her it was gonna hurt, but she had her mind made up that she was going to do it! So we headed to Claire's at the Tuttle Mall. She hopped right up in the chair, Now she SAID she was not nervous, and I'm no expert on body language, but notice how her hands are clasped in front of her... Here they are done! She had NO expression on her face.... she was trying so hard NOT to cry and then she looked like she might puke so I told her to take a deep breath and then the crocdile tears came. She tried so hard not to cry and to be brave, but darn it.... it DOES hurt when you get your ears pierced!!! I ofcourse got teary eyed to just seeing her try to be so brave! But she only cried for a minute and wanted to cuddle for a bit right after, but she was just fine in no time!Here they are.... Little pink flowers with "real" diamonds! She has been awesome about taking care of them!And then on the ride home, just to make sure it was memorable, we ran out of gas! The fuel sensor on the Trailblazer was shot! (lame)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ethan is 4!

Way back in April my baby boy turned four years old! I've been feeling guilty for not blogging about it but I didnt have any pictures to post. I dont want Ethan to grow up and find that there were no pictures of him because he was the youngest!

So how do I describe Four year old Ethan?

  • Ethan will tell you he's a Jedi

  • His Big sister will tell you he is really funny

  • His Big Brother says he's addicted to X-box

And yes he is a very funny kid! But he doesnt mean to be most of the time! He just says things so matter of factly and has perfect comedic timing that you just cant help but giggle! He has a trademark look, his shoes are ALWAYS on the wrong feet! He is obsessed with Star Wars and the X-box right now. I thought about looking into a 12 step program to wheen him off of the Xbox. He Loves school and can't wait until he's old enough to go to Westgate! He is personal buddies with the principal there and knows exactly where she keeps her stash of snacks and helps him self to them whenever we are at the school. He recently told her that she was out of cheese sticks and told her not worry he wasnt mad but could she get some so they'd be here the next time he came to school!

I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this little boy! He makes us laugh every single day, he's wicked smart, very caring and will notice every little scrape or owie you have... ask how you got it? If it still hurts, and offers to give it a little kiss! He loves to play with anyone from a baby to a 13 year old and yet entertains himself just fine! I'm so glad I get to be a Mom to just an amazing boy and am so excited to see him grow up!!!

Happy Birthday Ethan John Robert!