Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who's your woobie?

Remember that movie Mr. Mom? I loved that movie. When I was a kid I loved the parts that involved the wobbie... like when the vaccum cleaner "jaws" attacked or when his dad was trying to wash the little guys wobbie. The other night I realized that My kids had "Wobbies" of their own and wanted to document the name & faces of these special little creatures!
Leah has Gus-Gus the Elephant (he came before Gus our dog)
and a little puppy she's named Shiney Rose Ethan has the Pup... "Oh-No" Alex has this little snoopy dog that his pal Rick got for him a long time ago and it seems to be the only stuffed animal that's stayed around... even though he "doesnt use it" it somehow remains in the general vicinity of his bed.
At this 'ol guy was MY woobie as a kid. Funny that Alex and I both have a snoopy. This poor guy has survived about 100 moves and and about as many "surgeries" to reattach his nose. This was a well loved stuffed animal and after seeing the movie Toy Story 3 (and crying) I was so happy that I still have this guy around. Even if he's in the linen closet most of the time. I hope that I'm able to hang onto the kids special woobies until they get older too!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Life lessons... from Kohls???

So Leah had been asking for weeks and weeks if she could have a pair of Twinkle Toes shoes. They are a pair of ridiculously be-jeweled, glittery tennis shoes made by sketcher. She HAD to have them! They were SOOO pretty!!!

Luckily for her, she got a pair for her birthday from Grandma & Grandpa! She was so excited and kept saying she was going to wear them on her first day of school! So she wore her sparkly shoes with her sparkly skirt & sparkly shirt on her first day of school and when I went to pick her up, the first words out of her mouth were "MY FEET HURT"

She took the shoes off as soon as we got home and she refused to wear them again. So here we had what I would call ,"expensive" for a child, tennis shoes sitting UN-worn in the mud room. I just couldn't take it so I took the shoes back to Kohl's were Grandma had gotten them.
The lady behind the counter was so nice and as she was handing me the gift card she looked at Leah and said "Just because something looks cool on TV doesn't mean it's going to be cool for you! You have to do whats best for you Little Lady"
I thought that was pretty poetic for a pair of shoes..... so we went and tried on several pairs of shoes and found a comfy pair that were also quite "cool looking" and as were were walking out Leah says "I guess I found what was best for ME!"
I wish I could bottle that up!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What are you thankful for?

So I realized today, that I was complaining ALOT!!! Theo has been out of work for 4 weeks because of an ankle injury. So he's been home... resting his ankle.. which looks alot like loafing in his recliner... and I've been running around like a crazy woman all week... so I realized i was getting a little ...uh....snotty... yeah lets go with that word.... snotty with him. I was down at my neighbors house when their next door neighbor pulled in wearing name tags for Children's hospital.. their 2 week old baby is at Children's hospital... heart problems.... but they were so happy and hopeful.... and I realized on my short walk home that I was in DESPERATE need of and attitude adjustment.

So today I'm thankful for
Doctors, nurses and physical therapists to speed Theo in his recovery
Great schools for my kids to go to
smart, funny, & healthy kids
dirty dishes because that means we didn't go hungry
a big slobbery dog that loves me unconditionally
a computer to stay in touch with people that are far, far away
my corny, story telling, dancing & singing father
a husband that forgives my bad moods and messy ways
friends that tell me their secrets and listen to mine
have I mentioned Chocolate
bed sheets that are soft and smooth like butter
the flowers that surround my front porch swing
I'm able to be myself and still have so many people that love me!
What could I possibly complain about now??? How about you? What are YOU thankful for?