Saturday, August 28, 2010

The never ending first day of school...

Well we've had a HUGE milestone happen in our house this year...all three of my babies are going to school! Its hard to believe that for a few precious hours every week I'll have the house ALL TO MYSELF! I really have NO idea how I'll spend the time. So while they are all going to school, none of them started on the same day!

Alex is in 4th grade and started on Wednesday. Leah who's in Kindergarten started the following Friday
(I think she looks like my sis in this one)Ethan started preschool a week and half later. E will only be going 2 mornings a week, so he and I'll get to have all kinds of fun while the older two are gone all day! It's going to be so werid having just one kid bopping around the house. I have a feeling he is going to get SO bored with just me to play with so we'll have to get ourselves out and about.

Can you believe my babies are soooo big???

Geesh! Oh and did I mention they all start school at 9 am but at 2 different places! Luckily Leah & ALex will be at the same school so I can drop them off together and then race over to the preschool. I told Ethan's teachers to just plan that we will ALWAYS be late. Ugh you know how I HATE to be late! It stresses me out so much, but I'm gonna work on it!

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