I keep forgetting to write about this, and this is something I definitely want to remember 40 years from now. So Ethan is 3 right now, a few months ago he started to figure out that we can't see everything that he does or doesn't do. So he'd try to lie about stuff... whether or not he washed his hands... if he put his dirty clothes down the laundry shoot... if he was the one that got into the candy. It was innocent enough and we could sometimes tell if he was lying but I also noticed that he, at times, has a pretty good poker face. I was getting a little nervous that I was raising the next Baby face Nelson. But then he made a fatal error.... he created Little George.
Little George is Ethan's blue haired "friend." He has a blue motorcycle and a white house and he vacations in Hawaii. He also conveniently lives close enough that Ethan can duck out to his house so he doesn't have to do things at our house. If something is a mess or broken... Little George must have done it.... if he doesn't want to take a nap...its because he already took one at Little Georges house. Dinner looking a little suspicious... he's full Little George already made Chicken nuggets.
He even brings up little George when he's making up stories of place he's been. He and Little George went to Hawaii last week and I never noticed he was gone. They've been to the President's house, to a waterfall and even up in a Hot Air Balloon. Ethan has a great imagination and I love that he's created a little friend. Especially since his "real" friends have become a bit scarce lately with people moving out of town. He came up to me one day last week and with eyes full of tears he said "I think all mines friends are dead" And just started to bawl! Poor kid! I keep telling him he's going to make friends once Pre-school starts, but to a 3 year old Sept 7th is a life time away.
So for now, we've got Little George.... here is a video of him talking about little George, It's so stinking cute!
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