Saturday, March 20, 2010

Crocus not just signs of spring anymore...

Yesterday I noticed that the crocus had finally popped up infront of Ben & Danielle's old house. I thought about taking a picture and e-mailing it to them. But as it turns out they were a little busy, Having a baby! Now every time I see purple crocus bloom it'll remind me of the day Little Marian was born! Our dear friends The Gibbs welcomed there third little girl into the world late last night.
Marian made her entrance swiftly, they'd only been at the hospital for 45 minutes when she arrived. and though we've been referring to her as "The Little Lady" in our house, little she is NOT! At 9 pounds 11 oz. and 21 inches! She's the size of a 2 month old! :) I just can't imagine little Danielle waddling around the last few weeks carrying a 9 1/2 pound baby!

Both Danielle and Marian are doing well. I can't wait to hear all about Abbey & Amelia's reaction to her and stories of how helpful they'll be in the weeks/months ahead!



Cheryl said...

what a sweet birthday message to Marian. I'm glad to have found your blog (through the gibbs). Feel free to visit ours sometime.

Cheryl -in Orem

Benielle said...

Danielle is finally starting to catch up on OTHER people. You are so sweet for putting Marian in your blog. I love that the flowers bloomed that day. I think some where Marian is the goddess of spring. We miss you guys so much!