Spring has finally arrived in Ohio and it's been just beautiful here. The warm weather and sunshine has had us outside playing every chance we get. As many of you know, Alex is a typical 9 year old boy with and extra serving of daredevil mixed in! He climbs and jumps and flips off everything. Yesterday we were out playing and he did a kamikaze type jump off a wooden picnic bench but it rolled just as he was jumping and he fell back and caught himself on his arm. I knew that it hurt, but just figured we'd ice it take some Tylenol and just give it some rest. but then tonight at dinner he was still complaining that it hurt so i figured we should head over to urgent care and have them take a look at it and sure enough..... BROKEN..... The x-ray shows a buckle fracture of the distal end of the radius.
When they walked back in and said Yep it's broken, my heart sank...the poor kid had been walking around for 24 hours with a broken arm, and I had thought he was just being dramatic or trying to ham it up for a little extra attention.... oops.... my eyes filled with tears and I told that I was so sorry, and he in all of his 9 year old wisdom and compassion said "don't worry Mom you didn't know, it doesn't hurt THAT bad".... which made me feel better until I realized that he was doing the comforting when i should be comforting him! (Another pang of guilt) but he was a trooper when he put the cast on and for now thinks it's kind of cool. it's a flag cast but the lady put glow in the dark stuff on first so the stars and stripes glow!!! Pretty fancy!
We of course had to come home and make some phone calls to the family to let them know that his 9 year lucky streak had come to an end... I'm actually amazed he made it 9 years with NO broken bones... so now he's had stitches (3 last summer) and 1 broken arm... I'd be fine with that being it!!! On the way out the security guard behind the desk said something to Alex and when he was struggling to tell the guy what happened I was thinking in my head what Alex was struggling to say and so I said "I did it last night... and then I said I mean HE did it last night.... and then I thought OH crap now they are gonna think that I broke his arm ... they're gonna call Children's services... but then i smiled took a deep breath and remembered....
The number is already written on the wall in crayon.
We of course had to come home and make some phone calls to the family to let them know that his 9 year lucky streak had come to an end... I'm actually amazed he made it 9 years with NO broken bones... so now he's had stitches (3 last summer) and 1 broken arm... I'd be fine with that being it!!! On the way out the security guard behind the desk said something to Alex and when he was struggling to tell the guy what happened I was thinking in my head what Alex was struggling to say and so I said "I did it last night... and then I said I mean HE did it last night.... and then I thought OH crap now they are gonna think that I broke his arm ... they're gonna call Children's services... but then i smiled took a deep breath and remembered....
The number is already written on the wall in crayon.