Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When your a big girl you'll get a Barbie!!!

I'd love to say that I'm above bribery, but after 3 kids.... I'll do ANYTHING to just get them to do it sometimes!!!!
Leah being the strong willed little girl that she is, defied all my attempts to get her to go the bathrom on the potty!!! I tried all the books & video's, the big kid pants with Dora & princess.. nothing worked! The Doctor assured me that she would go when SHE was ready... I started to think she'd be graduating wearing depends. Well Grandma Ann being the wise mother of 3 kids & grandmother to 9 grandchildren. One day told Leah that when she was a big girl and went to the potty... she would take her to the store and she could pick out her very own barbie. Well last week Leah & Grandma paid a visit to Target and Leah got her very own barbie complete with nails for her to wear..... Here I am trying to get these stupid little plastic nails to stay on Leah's little finger with basicly tape! Thanks Mattell for that brillant engineering!!! Leah shows off her new PINK nails and her NEW BARBIE!!!!

Thanks so much Grandma Ann for the bribery that did the trick!!! Woooo Hoooooooooooooo!!!

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