Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crafty Christmas

This year I decided to be quite crafty and whip up presents for everyone on my christmas list. I started back at the end of October and thought It'd be NO problem to make something heart felt for all those people on my christmas list. I made an aprons, DS cases, I made kleenex holders that attach to the sun visors, I sewed and sewed and then sewed some more.... Infact I think there should be a new disorder known as sewing neck/shoulder.It was definetly a labor of love.... But I just love some of the things I was able to figure out and make.... I wont post them all, because honestly I didnt even take pictures of them all!!! Here are a few of my favorites...

I made these cute little neck tie's for my adopted nephews.... I can't wait to see Duke McAlisters chubby little cheeks resting ontop of this little bowtie
Tutorial here: http://alemonsqueezyhome.blogspot.com/2010/04/bow-tie-tutorial.html
Leah, Ethan, and I made these adorable snowflakes out of popscicles sticks.... found the idea here http://www.squidoo.com/popsicle-christmas-crafts
I made this rocket pillow for Ethan, found the pattern/idea in the book "1 yard wonders" that I checked out from the library, and lucky for me my sister bought me my very own copy so I'll be able to make the rest of the cute ideas from this book!
I made something for everyone on out list, with only one exception.... I didnt make anything for Theo. I didnt even realize it until someone asked what I'd made for Theo.... opps!!! So to try and remedy that I decided to try and make our bathroom a little less Ugly!!!
I honestly believe that my bathroom belongs on the HGTV show bad bad baths, I decided some cute curtains might help it a bit and found this really simple but adroable tutorial to make curtains. The ribbon for a tab top design is ingenious!

Still trying to decide if I want to make another panel so there are curtains pulled to the side on both sides of the window.....what do ya think? but for now I just have to fix the toliet paper holder.
I've really loved learning how to sew and am a bit sad that I'm going to have to pack the sewing machine up for a few weeks, I'm suppose to start back to school January 3rd..... AHHHHHH

1 comment:

Tara said...

I LOVE the rocket pillow!!! How fun! And lovely curtains and lovely everything else - way to go! And now you're going back to school?! I hope it goes well - good luck!