As shocking as is it, my little peanut turned 9 years old last week! Here he is with the cool new plane his little sister picked out for him! She was so thrilled when she saw how excited Alex got when he opened it and put it all together! It really is pretty cool and I have a feeling he's going to get ALOT of use out of this cool plane
This is a love story, it's all about how lucky we are to have found each other, The three beautiful children we have been entrusted with, and all of our many adventures. I hope you enjoy!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Alex is 9!
As shocking as is it, my little peanut turned 9 years old last week! Here he is with the cool new plane his little sister picked out for him! She was so thrilled when she saw how excited Alex got when he opened it and put it all together! It really is pretty cool and I have a feeling he's going to get ALOT of use out of this cool plane
The Blizzard of 2010
And I had Alex take this one, I know I'm not a "tall" person... But I couldn't even get my foot up all the way on the top of one of the piles at the end of the driveway! IT was CRAZY!!!
Needless to say, I'm about DONE with winter now.... I'm looking forward to spring! I miss the sunshine and playing outside all afternoon! It feels like the walls start to move in on you during the winter months and I can't wait to open the windows and air out the house.... Hurry Spring!!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
A new Valentines Day tradition
We got a Gift Certificate for Christmas to Snow trails Ski Resort , it's about an hour north of Columbus and it has skiing & Snow tubing so we decided we'd give it a try on Valentines Day.
It was a day that reeked of what true love is all about! Patience: We had to wait 2 hours just to get tickets to go tubing. so while we waited we got into a huge fight..... snowball fight that is..... and we tried to fight fair! Trust: The place had a little conveyor belt that pulled us & our tubes up the side of the hill and it was a little scary! I was hanging onto Leah for dear life and kept looking back and Theo & Ethan wishing he'd hang onto him a little tighter and then looking in front of me watch Alex and praying that he wouldn't try any dare-devil stuntsNausea: Faith in the people that ran the place that they KNEW what they were doing and none of us would end up broken & bruised. So we climbed in the tubes, gave each other a couple of nervous smiles and pushed off..Exhilaration. The look their faces were priceless..... scared and exhilarated all at the same time IT was SO FUN!!!
Repetition, Do it again, Do it AGAIN!!!
And of course the ever present, often repeating need to have Patience.
It's too cold.... My feet are freezing.... I'm hungry.... I have to pee
Ethan was definitely the trooper of the bunch and has earned the title of "THE SNOW - MANS" he never complained and just had the best time! We grabbed a bite to eat and then he passed out before we were even out of the parking lot!
I think we are going to have to make this a new family tradition!!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
A visit from some "farm" girls.....
Madison stayed with us for the weekend and got to catch up with some of her old friends here in Columbus, and Hannah & Garrett came for dinner Sunday night. (somehow I didn't get Garrett in any pictures). Hannah brought her new boyfriend over for us to meet him real quick and I've decided next time we'll have to torture him with dinner and 20 questions.
We definitely want them to make the trip to see us again soon and Leah keeps saying she wants to see their new bedroom so we'll have to go visit them out in Boo Foo Egypt....
We've missed these girls SOOOO much!!!