Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Puppy Love

Can we keep him Momma?
Absoultely thrilled with the new puppy

This fella may have met his match

How can you not just fall in love with that little face?!?!

Stay tuned for the unveiling of his name...
will it be Gus, Ashton, Smokey, Dogwar, or Ball?


DaMomma said...

What a cute puppy!! I'm so jealous! :) We decided we can't have an inside dog because of our wood floor, and we can't have an outside dog because of fleas and ticks. :( Maybe some day...in our next house I want tile!

I loved the April's fools day tricks. You are so fun! I didn't do one prank all day much to Garrett's joy. :)

I love the bows too! Way cute! They totally look professional!

DaMomma said...

I showed Dallin and Jocelyn your "new addition" :), and Dallin said, "Let's go to Leah's house!" :)