My friend Danielle brought me over some flowers from her yard today, and while I think that, in and of it self, is great, even better was the memory of my Grandma that came to me when I smelled them. I believe these are called a Peony, and she had these bushes all around her back porch with tons of these flowers. I have alot of memories from her back porch... its where my sister and I would play, it's where I put my right hand through a glass door, (OK I didn't say they were always "Happy" memories) The flowers just made me think of my grandma. She's been gone almost 2 years, but suffered from Alzheimer's for 10 plus years, so I was afraid those memories of her in the nursing home would be what I would always think of, but today, I thought of everything except that.
My Grandma was not your typically smother you with hugs, baking cookies kind of grandma. but there were always soft oatmeal raisin cookies in the bread box, and frozen snickers in the freezer (If you've never had a frozen snicker you have to try one) She lost two husbands, her first died during WW2 and the last died of a heart attack when she was pregnant with her fifth child (ALL BOYS) she raised them in the middle of no-where on a farm in IL. She put herself thru nursing school, and worked at the same hospital her entire career! One of my favorite stories about my Grandma is about when her boys were young and they'd be driving in the car and acting like 5 BOYS in 1 car are bound to act.... geesh..... and she'd say "I'm gonna end it all, I'm just going to drive right into that tree" Which I think is hilarious... I guess because she never did, and I never would, but I can only imagine how easily it'd be to be on edge....5 boys..... 1 small little farm house....The woman is a saint!!!
So even though the name of these flowers is Peony, I'm voting to change them to Grandma T's flowers. And hope that when ever you see these flowers, you'll think of her, and her spirit will live on.... And seriously you HAVE to TRY a frozen snickers!!! She'd love that spirit even more!!!