It's been 11days since I've seen Anson! I know it's ridiculous but it seems like so much longer! Do all Aunt feel like this or do I need to go see someone? I was too exhausted to really enjoy my own newborns babies, and having a newborn nephew to love and hold and squeeze.... Yes I'm like the abominable snowman in Bugs bunny!!!
I wanna hug him and squeeze him and call him George".
But as you can see I'm not the ONLY one that is mesmerized by this little guy... I caught this picture of Alex without him know I was evening paying attention! I took it with my phone so the quality isn't all that great... But look at how they are looking deep into each other's eyes... They sat this way for a few minutes.... I wish I'd been able to hear what they were both thinking!
Another one caught with my phone.... My sister is an amazing mom already! I am in awe at how calm she is! She is so gentle and patient and just smitten...also completely exhausted...but with his every 2 hour feeding schedule.... Who can blame her!
Ethan didn't want ANYTHING to do with Anson the first time he and I visited... he wouldn't look at him, didn't want to talk about him.... all the new babies in his life competing for his Mom's attention was not sitting to well (We are watching a friends 2 month old a few days a week this summer).... luckily 5 days later he was willing to look at him and even let me snap this picture! I guess it was helpful to realize that the babies were NOT coming home with us...and that Mommy was still crazy about him too!
Leah of course is quite the mother hen around Anson. Wanting to make sure that I'm holding him right, and that the bottle is just so...and the blankets have to be .... We fought over who's turn it was to hold him...
And of course I tried to help Christie and Brian catch up on their sleep when we were up there spending the night... It's not MY fault he's so stinking cuddly! and 6AM is pretty stinking early so if He's gonna sleep... then I'm gonna sleep too!!!
I'm Crazy about this kid! I love you Georgie!!