Sunday, December 7, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas

Well we went to go get our Tree on Saturday. Every year we set out to cut down our very own beautiful Christmas tree. We bundle the kids up, drive out to the farm, trapse through the field looking for THE BEST tree. That's what we plan to do, yet every year there are always tears, fights about which tree to get, please about having to go to the bathroom, whinine about being too cold. Yet every year we forget about the previous year and head out to do it all over again. I guess that's what holiday memories are made of...

The boys looking to cut down the perfect tree..

Alex, Our nephew Garrett, Ethan, & Theo

Leah AKA the pink diva on the sleigh

Ok so I got these two snap shots in before the melt downs started to happen. Shortly after this one Leah & Ethan & I ended up in the truck watching Cinderella II and Theo and the older boys wandered around for awhile and then the boys decided it was too cold. So they climbed in the truck too. After about 20 minutes I decided "This is stupid" and I called Theo on his cell phone andtold him he was on his own.

He's putting the light on the tree as I write this and once we get it decorated I'll take pictures so you can all see Theo's hard work...

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