Saturday, August 25, 2012

First Day of School 2012

It happens every fall, and every year it almost catches me off guard! I'm always amazed at how fast the summer goes and how we never quite get a chance to do all the fun things I'd like to do. I was especially not wanting this school year to start because it was bringing about such big changes for my boys!
Alex started middle school! He went from our little bubble of Westgate where everybody knows him and I know all the teachers and started at a brand new school with teachers I don't know. He has to use a locker and switch classes every hour and navigate a much bigger student body. It was alot for a Mom to process for her baby. So you can just imagine how hard it was for the "baby" to process especially with out 2 of your best friends because they went to different schools!
He was a mess! There was alot of nervousness, questions, concerns, tears and sleeplessness leading up to the big day. In fact the night before I'd be generous to say he got 4 hours of sleep! It took me telling him that he didn't have to go that first day just to get him to go to sleep! He of course went, but thinking he didn't have to go was all it took to get him to chill out enough to get a few hours of sleep!
It's so hard navigating all these new feelings and challenges that your children have. Especially since you don't know what's going on inside their heads! As he gets older trying to figure out what he's thinking/feeling gets harder and harder. And I think he and I can talk to each other pretty well but still, what I'd be worried about and what he's worried about are very rarely the same thing. I tell ya it makes me long for the days that potty training him was the most challenging part of my day with him.
Darn kids growing up! Luckily he survived his first day and decided it was not as bad as he thought it would be. Tonight he even told me that he thinks he's got his locker figured out and that was a huge stress! It also helps that he is VERY excited about his band class. He wants to learn to play the flute.... Again the choice of instrument surprised me, but he LOVES the teacher and seems to have alot of fun so I'm excited to see how this plays out for him. I've always regretted not learning to play an instrument so I'm hoping all three of my kids pick up something musical and can play me songs in my old age! :)
So here he is the big bad 6th grader....

That same day Leah started 2nd grade. Her transition back to school will hopefully be a little easier. She knows the school, the teachers, and the friends. She of course gets REALLY tired the first few weeks and so our bedtime routine becomes even more strict so that she gets plenty of sleep. BUT I will have to say that I'm going to have to take out a loan just to be able to feed this girl lately! She's going thru a HUGE growth spurt the last few weeks... it seems like her legs are growing 1/4 inch every night. Skirts and shorts that we OK to wear in July have suddenly become short shorts on her.... 

I'm Loving her toothless smile!

And then on Thursday this little guy started kindergarten! That's right all of my babies are school age now. He's going to a full day kindergarten so he's gone as long as his brother & sister. Leaving this one at school was like a kick to the heart! I tried to keep it together and managed to make it out the doors and to the first step before the water works started. UGH!!! And the thing is, I'm so excited for him to start. He's totally excited to finally be a westgate kid! His teacher is a friend of mine, and the same teacher Leah had. So it's just the fact that he was my baby. My last little one to snuggle with during the day while the "big kids" were gone. No more quiet times watching loony tunes or eating Nutella sandwiches in the living room because it's just the two of us and no one else has to know...
That Thursday Theo was home from work and we sat down to eat lunch, just the two of us... it was so quiet... so weird....
I know that it's all part of life and that I will get use to this next phase of life, but for that day, I gave into feeling sorry for myself... I cried for the baby days gone by.... There were quiet a few tears!!!
But not from this guy! No sir! He hopped out of bed, got dressed and nearly ran to school!
Although I have to say I think he found some comfort knowing that Leah was just a few doors down. (they actually sat at tables next to each other at lunch)

He was also very excited about having his very own lunch box! But packing 3 lunches is going to be a challenge! I need Ideas of different things to send with them!

Here is Daddy giving some last minute words of encouragement
Then he grabbed a book and sat down at a table and gave a quick wave and was ready to be
 a BIG kid NOW!!!!
I know we will all get use to the school routine again, and having school work of my own will keep me plenty busy while the kids are at school... And I have to say that getting Alex up and ready for school at 6:30 everyday is just about my least favorite thing to do these days. But that's all apart of growing up... for the kids too!
Happy School Year Everyone! Learn lots!