Saturday, March 28, 2009

Darling you look Bow-ti-ful!

Well my little Leah is just about the girliest girl you ever could meet! She loves make-up and jewlery, purses and shoes, she loves to "do" your hair and will sit still and let me do just about anything to her hair as long as I use the pink princess spray! Well I always wished I had more cute hair bows to put in her hair it just never seemed to make it to the absoultely NECESSARY list. On a recent trip to get the hair kids cut I was admiring yet again the cute little $5 bows they had and decided that I could make my own for a fraction of the cost, it shouldn't be TOO HARD to figure out how they make them.... and for once I was right! I found a great website
So I made a trip to JoAnns and the rest as they say, is history.....

Day 1 of the bow making adventure...
it looks like a lot, but I just was not very organized!

Day 2......... Some of my new creations
Leah & Daddy model some of their favorites
Which was a trick for Theo since he currently doesnt have any hair! Leah's favorite...................A pretty Pink Bow tie (shocker!) She hasnt taken the silly "bowtie" out of her hair since I put it in.... she even fell asleep with it and was distraught that I took it out of her hair.
So I'm offically in the bow making business....I'm even thinking about setting up a website to try and sell them! But for now.... anyone with little girls.... let me know if you'd like me to make some for you (just supply the ribbon) but beware... you going to become a walking marketing campaign for my little business!!! :)

Now I just have to come up with a name!?!?!?!?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Alex is 8!

It's hard to believe that Alex just turned 8 years old! The time has flown by! Always the Star Wars Fan, I made the cake to look like the star wars logo.

My Sister got this cool picture of him blowing out the candles

Ethan just being cute with Uncle Brian
Leah was thrilled her brother was turning 8! Can you believe how old SHE looks! I'm cutting her hair, it makes her look too old!